No ordinary people

“There are no ordinary people. You have never talked to a mere mortal. Nations, cultures, arts, civilizations – these are mortal, and their life is to ours as the life of a gnat. But it is immortals whom we joke with, work with, marry, snub, and exploit – immortal horrors or everlasting splendors.”

Let corruption and death have their way?

“As, then, the creatures whom he had created . . . were in fact perishing, and such noble works were on the road to ruin, what then was God, being Good, to do? Was he to let corruption and death have their way with them? In that case, what was the use of having made them in the beginning . . . It was impossible, therefore, that God should leave man to be carried off by corruption, because it would be unfitting and unworthy of Himself.”
– Athanasius

Union with Christ 2

“What we could not do for ourselves, God has done for us. He has put us into Christ. Let me remind you of 1 Corinthians 1:30. I think that is one of the best verses of the whole New Testament: ‘Ye are in Christ.’ How? Of him [that is, ‘of God’] are ye in Christ.’ Praise God! It is not left to us either to devise a way of entry or to work it out. We need not plan how to get in. God has planned it; and he has not only planned it but he has also performed it. ‘Of him are ye in Christ Jesus.’ We are in; therefore we need not try to get in. It is a divine act, and it is accomplished.”
– Watchman Nee

Objective Work of Christ

“That Christ has died is a fact, that the two thieves have died is a fact, and that you have died is a fact also. Let me tell you, You have died! You are done with! You are ruled out! The self you loathe is on the Cross in Christ. And ‘he that is dead is freed from sin.'”
– Watchman Nee

Creature brought to nothing

“It was unworthy of the goodness of God that the creature made by Him should be brought to nothing through the deceit wrought upon man by the devil; and it was supremely unfitting that the work of God in mankind should disappear, either through their own negligence or through the deceit of evil spirits. As, then, the creatures whom He had created … were on the road to ruin, what then was God, being good, to do? Was He to let corruption and death have their way with them?”
– Athanasius